Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy ANZAC Day

It's ANZAC Day here in Australia and New Zealand. The day celebrates the two countries landing in Gallipoli during World War I. It's similar to Memorial Day in the states with fireworks at Darling Harbour last night, a march (parade) today and a day off of work tomorrow. The march goes right through downtown and there are about 1,200 WWII vets marching in one way shape or form.

I spent yesterday looking for apartments and after walking (and sometimes running to make an inspection) I calculated I walked around 16k yesterday. Thankfully I think I found a place. I have to put in an application on Tuesday and hope no one got there before me.

Well, today's the first bad weather day in Sydney since I got here so I think I'm going to check out a movie. I checked online and it said it was AUD$27. Hopefully I misread.

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