Well, I was able to convince the real estate agency to take first months rent and the bond using a credit card. I thought that was a major feat (even though the charge hasn't come through yet). I know what you're thinking, it's all set right, now you get to move in? Wrong.
I'm going tomorrow morning to pick up the keys and talk to the developers about a few "items" they need to tell me about the apartment. Not sure what sort of surprises are coming, but it should be fun. Figuring the hard part was over I started calling utilities companies since I imagine I'll need at least electricity and water my first day. Things like that work a little differently down here. When I gave them the address not one utility company was able to find the address to set up service. They all kind of got quiet over the phone and put me on hold. That was yesterday and of the four companies who told me they'd call me back, I got zero calls today, probably not a good sign. But thankfully I was able to get a few extra days on the corporate housing so I just need to make sure that everything is set by Wednesday of next week.
This place better be awesome at the end of all this.
On the upside, with Europe collapsing people have been selling the Aussie Dollar and running to the "safety" of the US Dollar like crazy driving the AUD/USD rate down. Just a few more points and it will be cheaper to by a MacBook Pro here than in the States.
Matt - 1 (hopefully)
Aussie Dollar - Well, frankly I lost count when I started applying for credit cards
So many learning experiences are coming out of this move!