You know that uncomfortable question you have during a physical when the doctor tries to gauge how much you drink? It's hard to pin down an exact average so you end up guessing, and erring on the low side just to be safe. Well, I had a checkin at the gym over the weekend and it started to turn into one of those uncomfortable conversations where I felt I had to lie a little bit to make him feel better. I didn't really set any goals for myself when starting to work out other than to help strengthen my running. I didn't have any weight loss targets or anything like that, I just wanted help getting into shape.
So when my trainer took my measurements this time around there was some improvement, but I guess not as much as he would have wanted for me. It was rather awkward because he started asking questions about how many times per week I go to the gym, if there's room to pick up the intensity and then we went to nutrition. While I didn't get the exact "drinks per week" question, I did feel like I was being judged a little bit for my eating. But frankly, I workout and run so that I can eat and drink what I want. I think I forgot to include that "goal" in my initial sit down session. My next weigh in isn't for 10 weeks so I guess I'll really need to up the weights and hope that helps the improvement.
But frankly, I'm getting exactly what I wanted from the program. And by the results from the run on Sunday, I'm pretty happy. They finally posted results in the newpaper (but not online) and I was just outside the top third percentile for finishing. I came in number 23,089 out of 67,974 finishers and clocking in at just under 9:30 miles. For not running more than 2 miles at a time in the past 12 months, I'll take it. Now I'm just deciding if I have enough time to ramp up for a half marathon in a few weeks. As you can probably tell, the marathon goal for this year is pretty much out the window at this point. I'll have to settle for 2011.
You've already done more training than you did for most of the Chicago marathons. I say give Sydney a shot this year!!