Saturday, January 8, 2011

I LOVE wine

We had it all planned to hit drinks, BBQ King for some Peking duck then go to the Arrested Development concert. I would have preferred Emmylou Harris but I'll go with the flow. regular restaurant said this was the one Saturday they were open this year. So I pushed and prodded the crew for some wine. Four bottles later.......

My favorite was the Dao. Not sure I'd the grape but it was from Portugal and it was fantastic. We wanted a second bottle but this was the last. The first Australian Riesling was the second favorite. And afterall this is the summer of Riesling. I wouldn't have bought a Riesling before but these wines are awesome. They all have a distinct post code. Best if all, they have an great level if acidity and don't have to be sweet (though then can be).

The French Riesling was third follower by the Italian crap. All in all a great night.

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